San Juan de Gaztelugatxe

San Juan de Gaztelugatxe, whose name means “castle rock” in Basque (“gaztelu” = castle + “aitz” = rock), is a definite “must” if you are visiting the Basque Country. It is an island located just off the shore along the Bay of Biscay, 35 km east from Bilbao. The island is cone-shaped and features a tiny church on its highest point that is dedicated to John the Baptist. Although not proven, it has been said that he even set foot on the island.

You can click on this link to see how other travellers have gone from Bilbao to San Juan de Gaztelugatxe:

One Reply to “San Juan de Gaztelugatxe”

  1. Anyone interested in joining us for this hike on Aug. 31st? We’ll be leaving together from San Sebastian then meet up friends at Bilbao in the morning.