Things to do in Spain – Part 1

We’ve had a few questions about things to do in Spain while you’re here.

We can’t really pretend to be experts on Spain, but we can talk a bit about things that we enjoyed in particular areas of Spain and hopefully that can inspire some of your own adventures.  Be sure to also check out Travel Resources for more tips in general.

Note that the wedding itself takes place in Basque Country (Pais Vasco above). We’ll have more information about activities around Spain on a different page. This page focuses more on things outside of that area.

Continue reading “Things to do in Spain – Part 1”

First Post


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We’re hoping to not just have our wedding, but to organise, and to let you organise events following the wedding. The San Sebastian area is a great location for hiking, pinchos bars, surfing, cooking lessons, and more. We also hope to post more on great things to do in Spain. We hope to spend time with all of you!