Anti-theft bags for travel to Europe

As many of you seasoned travellers know, Europe is extremely safe from the perspective of violent crimes. In many cases, you’ll be much safer when travelling than when at home. That said, tourists in Europe can be a easy target of many petty crimes. Barcelona, as featured in “scam city” , is a pickpocketer’s haven as they work in groups or individually to prey on millions of tourists visiting the city. Denis and I have been lucky that among our many trips to Europe we have never lost any belongings to theft.

Knock on wood, aside from being vigilant, we found it very helpful to carry anti-theft bags/backpacks, such as the camera bag below:

which has the following anti-theft features:

A highlight is the difficult-to-detach strap which can be secured to a table or other immovable object when you’re not moving around.

They also carry anti-cut camera straps that we replaced our DSLR strips with:

We also use money pouches to carry our passport and backup credit card, in case of robbery.

All that said, we’re not entirely sure whether these actually kept us safe or were the equivalent of tiger repelling rocks, but we certainly feel like they’re helpful in this regrettably non-sponsored post 😉