Private: About Us

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We met in Ottawa, Canada while both working at National Research Council Canada as co-op students. Back then we explored streets and parks in Ottawa while diving deep into bowls of noodles, Toonie Tuesdays and Burger King joints, as well as rib-festivals and free concerts. These later sprouted into common interests of travel, cooking and passion for actual gourmet foods. Over the years we have traveled from secluded bamboo-covered villages in Yunnan to snowy winter festivals in Harbin, from the quiet sleepy towns in Nagano, to the hustling metropolitan city of Tokyo. Among all the destinations, we have most frequently traveled to Spain and Italy due to their rich cultures and well preserved Roman sites. When we are not on the road, we enjoy ourselves by cooking, reading, playing games, watching history documentaries and food shows, in our downtown Toronto condo filled with travel souvenirs (mostly books from museums) and Lego (25,000 pieces of them).

Now, we invite you to join us as we return to San Sebastian and witness our union while eating some delightful pinchos.